
Living Shop

Your curated guide to clean & refined wellness lifestyle products for vibrant health and optimal aging. Some links include trusted affiliates products, only recommending what I use and love.

Intentional habits

Kari Gran Skin Care

My AM & PM skin care rituals always include my favorite natural skin care products from Kari Gran.
Discount Code: MNDSHFT


Sun Goddess Matcha from PIQUE TEA is my favorite for radiant skin, a healthy metabolism, and calm energy.

Sprout Living Protein

My morning routine includes a clean & delicious plant-based protein shake with Sprout Living Organic Epic Protein.

Castor Oil Packs

This can support liver detox, lymphatic drainage, and colon cleansing, aiding digestion, absorption, and elimination. 


Currently Loving

From clean beauty to premium home essentials, these are my current obsessions -- all non-toxic and safe for the whole family. 

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Gut Health Recipes

Adaptogenic Mocktail

Bone Broth

Balncing Kimchi

Gut Lining Refresher

Wind-down Belly Breathing

Sleep well,

Breath Recipe

my love

If you believe you deserve the opportunity to thrive, with strong, resilient health that fuels your daily life. You've come to the right place. 

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